It’s the Most Wonderful(ly Busy, Fast-Paced, Chaotic) Time of the Year

Happy New Year’s! And holidays! And, uh, Thanksgiving. And Halloween…

So I’m a little behind in my blog-writing duties, but it’s been with good reason. Like so many of you, the last quarter is always a mad rush to get everything done, both in business and in life. Between our magazine content, our comprehensive Buyer’s Guide, our catalogs and other distributor services, we’ve been busy.

Oh yeah, and we relaunched our website too.

We’re very happy to introduce you to the new Every nook and cranny has seen some improvement. We’ve revamped our site’s look to a more intuitive and attractive design, we’ve added regularly updating product reviews, we’ve beefed up our newsletter, and our already awesome product search only gets better by the day.

Best of all, I’m going to be handling all of our online editorial endeavors.

OK, maybe that’s not the best part, but I think it’s pretty exciting. In addition to producing our now-daily newsletter, I’ll be creating exclusive, online-only content for Our goal is to make this site your destination for all things related to the promotional products industry, from content to community. And that’s where you come in: I want to know what you want to see. Do you want product reviews? Hard-hitting editorial? How-to guides? More of Mike’s patented Charles Plyter Facts of the Week? Let me know in the comments below and I’ll do my best to deliver.

A lot of work from a lot of people went into developing our site; from Charles working with our programmers and developers, to Nikki working with designers and art directors, to Mike reminding me to breathe once in a while, everyone had a hand in creating the best site possible, and it’s our holiday/New Year’s/just-because-we-think-you’re-swell gift to you. We hope you like it.

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